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The ‘four gift’ Christmas rule that’s gone viral

Would this minimalist gift giving idea work in your family?
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There’s a Christmas gift-giving trend that has been gaining momentum across social media feeds the past few years.

It’s the “four gift rule”, where parents are choosing not to spoil their kids with an abundance of gifts but instead vowing to only buy four presents which fit the following criteria:

Something they want

Something they need

Something to wear, and

Something to read.

The obvious advantage of following the four gift rule is that it helps reduce the amount of presents being bought, which saves time, and with buying less presents comes spending less money. It’s a win, win, win!

The four gift rule: something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read.

(Getty Images)

The idea of the four gift rule was recently floated in the Kmart Mums Facebook forum, where the mum posting asked group members their opinions on the rule as she was planning to implement it for her four kids, aged, one, two, six and nine.

Hundreds of comments flooded the post, with most mums all for it.

Would your children be happy with a more minimalist Christmas?

(Getty Images)

“We’re going to do that this year. Trying to have a more minimalist Christmas with quality over quantity,” posted one mum.

“Yes we have done that for the past 3 years, I love it. We also add one gift from Santa,” commented another.

“Have done this for years but we added in “something to share to show you care” which is a joint family gift like board game, video game stuff or tickets to somewhere,” said another fan.

Could this less materialistic, more thoughtful way of gift giving be the way of the future?

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