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These pictures of a dirty McFlurry machine will haunt your dreams
Nick is the hero the internet deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

Stop everything: Iced VoVo and Caramel Crowns ice cream now exists
It's the dessert combination of your childhood dreams.
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A mud cake from Woolworths saved this woman’s wedding day
3 Woolworths mud cakes, Betty Crocker icing and fresh flowers later, the wedding was saved!

This $6 Coles wine has won an international competition
Quick, someone get the glasses! It's not good to keep these things bottled up.
There’s a free chocolate festival coming to Sydney
An entire weekend of chocolate? Where do we sign up?
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The one thing Gordon Ramsay says to NEVER order at a restaurant
You won't be able to look at this family favourite in the same way again...