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Victoria Beckham reveals her biggest fashion mistakes

“I thought it was OK to wear a PVC catsuit!”
Victoria Beckham

She often tops ‘Most fashionable’ lists, but by her own admission, Victoria Beckham has made some major fashion mistakes over the years.

The former Spice Girl-turned designer has made waves in the high-fashion industry, and even has a coveted New York Fashion Week slot, but she hasn’t always managed to get it just right.

Victoria has worn some questionable outfits over the years.

In a new interview with The Edit, Posh revealed that she now looks upon those moments as a learning curve, saying: “I have made so many fashion mistakes but I don’t actually look at them as mistakes. I celebrate those things, I laugh occasionally but I’m not ashamed of any of that.”

She even spoke specifically of some of her worst fashion moments: “At some point I thought it was OK to wear a PVC catsuit”, she laughed.

“When I was pregnant with Romeo, I walked around Disneyland in Christian Louboutin heels, literally at nine months pregnant!”

Surely this look is up there with the worst?

Nowadays, Victoria’s look is far more focused on simplicity, and she admits that beauty is key in getting it right – particularly good skin.

Her secret? A tip from her dermatologist: “I used to have really problematic skin and he said to me, ‘You have to eat salmon every single day.’”

“I said ‘Really, every day?’ And he said, ‘Yes; breakfast, lunch or dinner, you have to eat it every single day.’”

WATCH: Victoria Beckham shares her five minute beauty routine. Post continues…

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The 42-year-old also admitted that she’s inspired by other women, and wants to share her own knowledge in the hope that she can inform fans who are inspired by her.

“I have no time for women who don’t support other women”, she declared. “It’s the ultimate compliment when a woman tells you that you look good.”

Surprisingly, the 42 year-old also gave us a rare glimpse into family life and marriage – albeit in the most materialistic way! She revealed that husband David has a clothes collection to be rivalled.

“I have the biggest collection of clothes in my household, for sure. David would probably come second, though”.

And our money was on Harper!

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