
Online petition accuses Dion Lee and Target of glorifying ‘anorexic-looking models’

A petition has shamed Target for their advertising campaigns with fashion designer Dion Lee.

A petition entitled “Stop using anorexic-looking models in advertising” has taken aim at the Dion Lee x Target collection.

The Aussie designer has been criticised for featuring a “super thin” model in the ad campaign for his collaboration with the retail giant.

“Teenagers and women of all ages should not be hounded into life-threatening anorexia by irresponsible advertising,” the petition says.

“The advertising pictured was sent to me and thousands of others, as an email by Target. The big chain stores must be aware of the many studies that have shown anorexia to actually be deadly to women.

“People have died already and will die, thanks to this kind of sexist, objectifying advertising. I would like everyone to show they definitely don’t want this kind of advertising any more.”

In just four days the petition has already attracted more than 12,500 signatures with users encouraged to leave a “reason for signing”.

One user, Ruth Hoogenraad wrote that she signed because “using models this size gives the wrong message about what is healthy and normal.”

Jennifer Richards added: “This sends bad messages to our young girls about how they should look!”

Many users wrote that it was “about time” the fashion industry was held to account for perpetuating one-dimensional standards of beauty; thin, young and white.

One user even suggested that companies guilty of encouraging women to be rail thin be prosecuted.

“I don’t want to see young people starving themselves just to keep a job,” user Antony Pincombe wrote. “This is immoral. Surely someone can start suing the companies that use these models and the agencies that provide them for abuse.”

Many have also expressed their dismay on Target’s Facebook page.

In a statement released by Target a spokesperson says the retailer pushes messages of body diversity.

“We ensure that women of all shapes, sizes and ethnicities are represented – and celebrated. You’ll also see examples of this in our catalogues and our fashion runways,” the spokesperson said.

“We proudly have a number of different collections in-store catering for women of all sizes – everything from petites to plus size and in an upcoming catalogue we make a point of highlighting that we have ‘underwear for every body’.”

“My collection with Target combines style with function and reflects the wardrobe of the contemporary Australian woman at work or relaxing,” Lee said of his 36-piece collection.

The eagerly anticipated Dion Lee collection launched on July 2.

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