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Designer explains Beyonce Photoshop shocker

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Roberto Cavalli's image of Beyonce in his designs (left) and the real thing (right).

Designer Roberto Cavalli has responded to criticism over his super-slim ‘stylised’ depiction of Beyonce wearing his designs.

Cavalli’s version of the pop star was closer in shape to a Barbie doll than Beyonce’s usually “bootylicious” figure with her curves smoothed over, waist pinched in and legs stretched to unnatural heights.

Related: Beyonce Photoshopped beyond recognition

The designer was accused of Photoshop abuse, promoting poor body image, and airbrushing one of the world’s most recognisable women beyond recognition.

After the media brouhaha over the images, Cavalli responded via Facebook, excusing the image because it was “a sketch and not a photo”.

“It is only meant to be a stylised and artistic vision,” the post read.

“Roberto Cavalli loves women and more than anyone else has exalted and highlighted the female shape with his creations.”

The statement went on to say that the image of Beyonce was within Cavalli’s “signature style” of the “glorification of sensuality and femininity”.

So does highlighting the female shape mean stretching legs, cinching wastes, and leaving no room for bulge?

The response has only subjected to the designer to further criticism, with critics pointing out the differences between the designer’s version of “femininity” and reality.

Your say: Do you think Cavalli’s response excuses this image of Beyonce?

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