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Discover daikon


I bought some white radish from the supermarket, I have never seen it before. Can you please give me some ideas on how to eat it? It looks like a big white carrot.

J. Petrolo, Warranwood, Vic


White radish is also known as daikon (a Japanese word meaning “large root”) and is a root vegetable used extensively in Japanese cooking, especially as an accompaniment to sashimi and tempura. The skin of the vegetable can range in colour from white to almost black, but its flesh is always white and it has a sweet, fresh flavour without the bite of the common red radish. When buying, look for daikons that are firm and unwrinkled, as this indicates freshness. The best way to store them is wrapped in plastic in the crisper of your refrigerator, where they will keep for about a week. Daikon can be used raw in salads, shredded or grated as a garnish, or cooked in in stir-fries, soups, and stews similar to potato or turnip.

Pics: Julie Crespel/ bauersyndication.com.au

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