These wildly successful icons have found success their own way, and surprisingly, it didn’t require actually finishing their degree.
See which ones were just too cool for school.

Mark Zuckerberg – The founder of Facebook left Harvard in his sophomore year to concentrate on his ever-growing social media site.

Brad Pitt – The celebrated actor studied journalism and dropped out just two weeks shy of graduating.

Oprah – The daytime television queen had only one credit left to graduate college but left when she got a job in broadcast media. 13 years later, she went back to the university and finished her degree!

Walt Disney – The legend behind the Disney company hated school so much he left at the age of 16. After being denied entry into the Navy because of his age, Walt forged documents and joined the Red Cross Ambulance Corps.

Ellen Degeneres – The Emmy winner turned to stand-up comedy after leaving university with just one semester of a communication degree under her belt.

Steve Jobs – We guess leaving before finishing his studies was the best thing possible for the creator of Apple (you’re probably using one of his devices to read this right now).

Anna Wintour – US Vogue’s long-time running editor (she nabbed the job in 1988) left her private school at 15 to pursue a career in fashion.

Richard Branson – The billionaire who founded Virgin records struggled with dyslexia, leading him to drop out of boarding school at 16.

Bill Gates – Despite quitting college, the Microsoft founder has urged people that “getting a degree is a much surer path to success.”

Quentin Tarantino – The famous director left school before starting ninth grade, going on to make multiple Oscar-winning films.