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Tax time helper

If you spent money on your child’s education between July 2008 and June 2009 you may be eligible for a tax break on your child’s education expenses. In fact, the Government Education Tax Refund allows you to claim up to 50 per cent of eligible education-related expenses* for your children. Make the most of your […]
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Piggy bank, getty images

Common mistakes investment rookies make

Economics is an argument not a science, which means two opposing theories can both be right. So how do we know what’s the right thing to do? We’ve nutted out the common mistakes beginner investors make. Indecision Doing nothing- if you are too fearful about investing and so do nothing then you will get no […]
Father and son, Getty Images

Do you put work before your children?

THIS new UK research which gives rise to similar questions about Australian families, has found that the quality of middle-class family life is on the down-turn as working parents feel the pinch to work longer hours rather than spend time with their families at home. The Department for Schools government study of nearly 4000 parents […]
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