woman's hand holding globe of the world

Aussie women world’s most economically empowered

As commentators continue to rage over the sexism debate, an international survey has found that Australian women are the world’s most economically advanced. Topping a list of 128 countries, women in Australia won out in access to education, market participation and anti-discrimination policies. Following Australia were three Scandinavian countries — Norway, Sweden and Finland, with […]
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Tips for attacking your personal budget deficit

How financially fit are you?

Like any top performing athlete, fitness of the financial kind takes planning, training, time and perseverance to stay on top of your game - so don't let poor fitness ruin your chances of winning gold.
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Little girl with coin and piggy bank

How to raise money-savvy kids

While most parents realise the value of a good education, teaching their kids how to manage money is often overlooked. Introducing good habits early on can help set them up with a successful financial future.
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woman holding piggy bank

Boost your super now

Are you worried about not having enough money to retire? Well, if you're a woman, you should be – study suggests. The good news? There are some simple things you can do to build up your nest egg.
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Women in white blouse sitting on desk with facial expression

Is your family in good financial shape?

When it comes to money talk, sometimes it's just easier to bury our heads in the sand and hope for the best. Take charge now by asking yourself the following questions.
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