Lacking confidence? Here's how to sell yourself!

Lacking confidence? Here’s how to sell yourself!

You may be outgoing and friendly in social situations, but those characteristics don’t always translate well in the workplace. Everyone has painful bouts of self-doubt — it’s simply human nature. Fortunately, there are a number of everyday tricks that can help to boost your confidence and land you that job or promotion. “A change in […]
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Making a mid-life career change

Making a mid-life career change

With Aussies now working longer and more likely to have several different jobs, what are the best ways to successfully change careers and be on the road to a more fulfilling profession? Public servant turned horticulturist, Alison Flakemore, said the key step to changing careers is having the confidence within yourself to do it. “People […]
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Piggy bank

How to make over your finances

It's important to review your financial situation regularly, and by following these simple tips you'll be able to assess where your hard-earned cash is going.
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Is 50 too young to retire?

Is 50 too young to retire?

We’re living for longer than ever but Australian women are still taking early retirement when they turn 50. New figures from the Bureau of Statistics showed that the average retirement age for women was 50, despite the government urging people to work until they are 67. Men are also falling short of government expectations, retiring […]
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Woman looking stressed at her desk

The rise of female breadwinners

Gone are the days of a single income. Now, almost 60 per cent of couples with children have both parents in the workforce, compared to 40 per cent in the 1980s.
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Pregnant woman at work touching stomach

Pregnant women face discrimination at work

Pregnancy is now the number one reason behind workplace discrimination complaints, overtaking disability and family responsibilities for the first time. Of 235 complaints received by the FWO in 2012-13 pregnant women who felt they had been discriminated against at work accounted for 28 per cent, up dramatically from eight per cent in 2010-11. Historically discrimination […]
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