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Intern finally sticks it to horrible boss

One cheeky intern carefully hid a note on a post-it to tell their boss how they really felt.

Anyone who has ever been a poor struggling student knows you go into an internship with big dreams of being taken under some amazing mentor’s wing, get taught all the secrets of the trade and are treated to cocktails on Friday with the CEO but alas, some bosses are just jerks.

One anonymous intern obviously didn’t have the ideal workplace experience and has reached Reddit fame after airing out their horrific on-the-job details by leaving a carefully placed post-it note to get some comeuppance.

The note reads:

“By the time your read this, I’ll be long gone from this sthole. I hope you enjoyed bossing me around. I bet you felt real good about yourself. Well I wonder how you feel now knowing I spat in your coffee every day.”**

While there is speculation the note might be fake, it is a good reminder to bosses to be nice to whoever has unsupervised access to their coffee.

Somebody hire this kid!

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