We’re all very guilty of overusing the word, very.
It’s a quick intensifier which helps to hammer home exactly how much ‘more than’ you’re feeling.
You’re not just happy to catsit for your friends while they’re away, you’re very happy.
Sure it’s easy, but it’s also lazy.
Remember what Robin William’s says in Dead Poet’s Society?
“Avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys – to woo women – and, in that endeavour, laziness will not do. It also won’t do in your essays.”
If you really want to enrich your conversations and look more professional at work, try using some of these words to replace the word very.
24 words to use instead of very
Instead of very noisy say earsplitting
Instead of very often say frequently
Instead of very old say ancient
Instead of very old-fashioned say archaic
Instead of very open say transparent
Instead of very painful say agonising
Instead of very pale say ashen
Instead of very perfect say impeccable
Instead of very poor say destitute
Instead of powerful say compelling
Instead of very pretty say beautiful
Instead of very quick say rapid
Instead of very quiet say hushed
Instead of very rainy say pouring
Instead of very rich say wealthy
Instead of very sad say sorrowful
Instead of very scared say petrified
Instead of very scary say chilling
Instead of very serious say grave
Instead of very sharp say keen
Instead of very shiny say gleaming
Instead of very short say brief
Instead of very shy say timid
Instead of very simple say basic
You’re welcome.