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EXCLUSIVE: The Bachelorette’s Ben tells all

Woman's Day caught up with the hilarious miner after he didn't receive a rose on Thursday night's episode of The Bachelorette.
The Bachelorette Australia's Ben

Last night’s episode came straight out of a Mills & Boon novel… or in Georgia Love’s case, on the cover of one!

For the unique first group date, the TV journalist took the boys to the country where they recreated some popular Mills & Boon romance novel covers.

Things got very steamy between the brunette beauty and fireman Cameron but the first kiss of the season was nabbed on the first single date to the tall, dark and handsome Jake!

The pair bonded over their courageous mums, with Georgia’s battling cancer and Jake’s defeating the disease five times!

Sadly, the Bachelorette had to bid adieu to one.

He may have literally fallen for Georgia, but unfortunately there was no red rose for Ben, the boy from Wollongong.

We caught up with hilarious bachelor to talk about his crazy time on the show. Read on for his chat below!

Check out Ben’s memorable entrance in the video below!

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Were you upset to be one of the first to leave?

Obviously yes! I feel like I left a bit of mark. I made a few great friends but of course it’s a bit of an ego crush to get booted. It is what it is. Not everybody’s for everybody!

The nation adored you and your personality. In fact, some fans even made memes about you – how does that make you feel?

I haven’t really experienced much of the public’s perception. I’m sure it will last a full five minutes. I’ve seen the memes – it all seems really positive. Actually I even made a meme of myself with Steve Buschemi, with his crazy eyes? I just added the caption: Ben I am your father

It’s all good, it’s good banter. If someone can tear me a new one in a funny way, then I’ll take it

There’s so much testosterone in the house, did you feel pressure to perform?

I loved it! Hanging out with 15 cool dudes. If I wasn’t friends with someone I’d ask them “When are you training?” so I’d go train with them and do some bonding that way. I was just excited! You could see that I think. Probably a little too excited about the guys and not spending enough time with Georgia!

The infamous tumbles from both Georgia and Ben… The 32-year-old admitted he thought the Melbourne gal’s fall was “marriage material!”

Do you wish you did things differently or do you have any regrets?

There’s one thing I wish I did. When I didn’t get a rose, I wish I questioned and said “what about if I did this” and gave her a little dance or something. And then when she eventually asks me to leave I moonwalk out of there! I mean my moonwalk isn’t on point but it would have been boss!

What were your thoughts on Georgia?

She’s an intelligent, sexy, smart woman. She’s like a fine wine.

Is Georgia they type of girl you’re looking for?

No. I usually go for passion pop type of girls. Someone who will play goon of fortune with me or stick out with till the end of the night and have a kebab with me. But I want someone know when it’s time to be boss.

Who do you think will win?

Either of the Matts. Georgia will no doubt fall for them! They’re both amazing blokes with great morals and families.

The Matts that Ben thinks will win Georgia’s heart!

Do you have any stand out memories?

Every time I went to the toilet at a cocktail party, there was a makeup lady on hand to make you look like a rock star. I told all my friend about that!

What was it like living in the mansion?

We gym and eat a lot. You have those boring cliché conversations asking “what do you think of Georgia? Do you have a connection with her” I mean, this was without the cameras!

What was the photoshoot like?

Not my thing! The water was SO cold and I had to wear Crocs. Do you know why they have holes in Crocs? To let the dignity run out! It was so cold. And I have no experience with modelling. I had no opportunity to bond with her but I’m sure it made good TV!

The date saw Georgia shine!

Ben’s cover

Is the rivalry between Sam and Rhys real?

No not at all! I shared a room with Sam, Rhys and Matt. They’re only catty when they’re one-on-one. I think it’s just male models flirting with each other. Some special code we don’t know about.

Any fights that you think will erupt?

I can’t imagine fights. But you can’t put 16 guys together and expect every one to be bum chums. I’m sure they’ll be placid.

Who was your best mate in the house and have you kept in touch with anyone?

All the guys really. Both the Matts are legends!

Why did you decide to go on the show?

I ran out of matches on Tinder! I don’t know. I thought I had nothing to lose. Got risk it to get the biscuit!

Have you found love since leaving?

Nah, only my dogs. Swiping away and hopefully date some crazy women.

What’s next for you?

Plod along and cruise through life. Enjoy summer and find my mysterious unicorn.

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