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Your menopause questions answered

DESPERATE FOR HELP I am a 49 year old in desperate need of help to overcome the symptoms of menopause. I am in the high risk category as my mother and grandmother both had double...

DESPERATE FOR HELP I am a 49 year old in desperate need of help to overcome the symptoms of menopause. I am in the high risk category as my mother and grandmother both had double mastectomies. I have severe hot sweats which are more severe at night, diminished libido, headaches and mood swings on occasions. Is there something available to help me? I am getting desperate! Thanks to you and the AWW for enabling women like myself the opportunity to get advice from you. Julie, via email. Response from Maryon Stewart, author of Beat Menopause Naturally SUPPLEMENTS FOR MENOPAUSE I live on the remote Island of Sumbawa, Indonesia, and after receiving my life saving Women’s Weekly in the mail I was thrilled to read the article about beating menopause naturally. I have been suffering all the usual horrible symptoms for about 3 years now and started taking Remifemin about 8 weeks ago and I am still suffering the hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, no energy, weakness and anxiety. I have Osteoarthritis in my knee and take 2 OsteoEze Active tablets per day for this problem. I swim 30 to 40 laps a day in the pool every morning and do a 4 km jungle walk every afternoon 5 days a week. I eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegs, yoghurt, and have soy milk every day, weight about 57 kg and I’m 51 years old. I has a total Hysterectomy in January 1998 but my ovaries are still intact. Could you please advise me on what type of supplement I should be taking for my symptoms? Chris F., via email. Response from Prof Kerryn Phelps, medical expert. RECOMMENDED DOSE OF FISH OIL Having read with interest in the March (NZ) editon of your magazine the extract from Maryon Stewart’s book, “Beat Menopause Naturally”, I would like clarification from your panel of the recommended daily dose of strong fish oils as stipulated in the article, i.e. 1000mg concentrate per day. After reading the extract I purchased a supply of Thompson’s Halibut Liver Oil capsules. The daily recommended dose on the bottle states, ONE per day! Each capsule contains 145mg of the oil, the equivalent 4000 IU of Vit.A. Having read that Maryon Stewart recommends 1000 mg of concentrated fish oil per day – the equivalent of seven 145mg capsules – this would give 28,000 IU of Vitamin A – which is hugely in excess of Thompson’s recommended dose! I would be interested in your comments. Mary, via email. Response from Pamela Allardice, natural therapist AM I GOING THROUGH MENOPAUSE I am 53 years old and still menstruating. I feel I must be going through peri menopause, but so far have avoided the hot flushes etc. I do not sleep well (but I am under a huge amount of stress). Could the not sleeping be part of menopause or would it be stress related? Is depression a symptom of menopause? Diana, via email. Response from Maryon Stewart, author of Beat Menopause Naturally EARLY MENOPAUSE I am 36 years old and had my last period at 34yrs old. There is not a lot of information out there for people of my age that have gone through or are going through menopause. All the “Natural” medications and “HRT” caters for the “average” age group who are more than likely only going to have to suffer the symptoms for a few years. I am currently on Livial which has reduced the symptoms of menopause, but my concern is that I will have to be on this for the next 15+ years. Also the possible long term side effects of being on this medication. Do you have any advice/suggestions for me. Name withheld as requested. Response from Prof Kerryn Phelps, medical expert To view more of Your Menopause Questions Answered, click here.

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