Home Health

Your health checklist for 2008

Your health checklist for 2008

If you’ve had a really busy 2007 and barely had time to think about your health, it’s time to do so.

Some medical checks are best done regularly, so make it your number one new year’s resolution to see your GP. “It’s a great idea to touch base with your GP once a year, even when you’re feeling well, to catch up on issues affecting your life, like work and home and relationships,” says Dr Kelly Seach, a Victorian-based practicing GP registrar.

“This helps us understand you as a person. Then if you do become ill, we already know where you’re coming from. It’s what preventive care is all about.

“And if you find you have a long list of things you’d like to discuss with your GP, we’d encourage you to ask for a long appointment when you phone. This just means we have the time allocated, so we can discuss everything.”

Which medical examinations and tests are required varies greatly from person to person, depending on factors such as family history and current state of health. But the following are some that Dr Seach says should be considered:

  • Pap test — all women aged 18-70 who have ever had sex and not had a hysterectomy should have one every two years.

  • Urine test for chlamydia for all sexually active people aged under 25.

  • Mammogram — every two years once you’re aged from 50-70.

  • Vaccinations — make sure any you need are up to date. Most people will need a tetanus booster at age 50. Influenza vaccine is recommended annually and pneumococcal vaccine five-yearly for people over 65 (50 for ATSI people).

  • Know your BMI (body mass index): have your height and weight measured.

  • Blood pressure and cholesterol check.

  • Blood test to screen for diabetes, especially if you have a family history.

  • Have any skin spots checked, if they’ve changed at all.

  • For the over-50s, a faecal occult blood screening should be done for bowel cancer, ideally every two years.

  • When was the last time you went to the dentist? If it’s been more than a year, it’s time to go now.

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