Home Health

You call that exercise?

By Annette Campbell

So, you’re way too busy to get to the gym? There’s the long list of household chores that always need doing, as well as the kids who need to be delivered to and from school and sport and friends… The list goes on and hardly leaves time for any recreational exercise.

But if you’re constantly on the go, you might be surprised to know that you’re already burning some serious kilojoules, just by doing everyday things.

Sydney-based fat-loss dietitian Susie Burrell reveals just how many kilojoules we’re burning as we go. And remember … burning more kjs means burning more fat!

“Every day we burn kilojoules, even when we are sleeping,” Susie explains. “Think of your body as a machine, our muscles as the primary mechanics burning petrol each day. Metabolism refers to how many kjs your machine burns each day and hence how much food you need to eat just to keep blood flowing, the heart pumping and the lungs moving oxygen around the body.”

Here’s Susie’s guide to how much we burn, doing everyday activities:

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