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Yo-yo dieting

Diet Club

I have been trying to diet for most of the last eight years. Before there was a lot known about nutrition, I used to survive on the bare minimum of food and think I was clever for doing it. As soon as I started eating properly, the weight soon found its place back on my hips with more of a vengeance. I’ve tried Atkins with no carbs, soup, protein diets etc. Would you like to know what works?

Eat everything fresh, with lots of chilled water (your metabolism works harder to warm up the water) and no sugar (it makes your body store fat). Pretty easy really, just do the following:

  • No commercially prepared foods that are high in saturated fats and sugars.

  • Cut out all sugar — 1g per 100g is okay, like in bacon.

  • Eat lots of fruit and vegetables – raw is better as the nutrients are still in place.

  • Promise something decent to yourself when you reach an important milestone in your weight loss, like a massage.

  • Record your weight loss — maybe take a “before” picture or keep track in your diary.

Always look forward to the goal — think of what you’ll look like when you have finished.

Priscilla Lelasi

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