Home Health

Wonderful walnuts

In a study published in Diabetes Care, a Yale University team of researchers asked men and women with type 2 diabetes to eat approximately 60g of walnuts daily for two months. At the end of the test period, the subjects’ endothelial function (blood vessel tone) was measured and was found to have improved significantly.

This is particularly important finding for diabetics because endothelial cells, which form the lining of the inside of blood vessels, are one of the most vulnerable parts of the body for developing vascular disease.

The researchers suggest that walnuts’ higher levels of alpha-linolenic acid — which also slows arterial plaque formation — may also be involved in the toning effect. And, happily, none of the study participants reported any weight gain as a result of eating the walnuts.

Your say: What do you think of these findings? Do you eat walnuts? Share with us below…

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