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Woman with TWO vaginas defies the odds and has fallen pregnant (!!!)

We don’t know what’s more extraordinary: her two vaginas or her ability to conceive despite being told for years that she was infertile?!
Pregnant woman

Reason 6,718 as to why the human body is capable of inarguably weird and wonderful things.

Such is the case of Canadian woman Krista Schwab, who, at 12 years old, was diagnosed with uterus didelphys: a rare condition that has left her with two uteri, two cervixes and, yes, two vaginas.

As reported by Caters News, Krista always felt the separate parts of her vagina during sex and doctor’s check-ups, but she thought this what all women experienced.

And after experiencing two miscarriages with her husband, Krista, 33, thought her chances of naturally conceiving were over – until she discovered she was pregnant with a little boy five months ago.

Krista is now five months pregnant, despite being told she was infertile. Image: Facebook/Krista Schwab.

The World Health Organization state that one in 3000 women across the world are impacted by uterus didelphys.

According to the Mayo Clinic, uterus didelphys is something a woman can be born with.

Women with this condition can go on to fall pregnant, but it can also increase one’s likelihood of miscarriage of premature birth.

“Ten years of trying to have a baby [and] it just happened,” Schwab said. “I want women with uterus didelphys to never let anyone tell them miracles can’t happen because they do,” Krista says, according to Cater News.

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