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The breast cancer-spotting trick that could save your life

One woman’s simple tip has gone viral for all the right reasons.
The breast cancer-spotting trick that could save your life

Three weeks ago, Hayley Browning was diagnosed with breast cancer after the self-discovery of a lump.

While she regularly checked her breasts in the shower (as “many websites” suggest), it was as she was lying down that the Essex local made her shocking find.

“I happened to rest my hand on my inner left breast and felt something that hurt and then felt it properly and realised it was a lump. I wasn’t checking for lumps intentionally as I would usually do that in the shower,” the 27-year-old told MailOnline.

In a bid to raise awareness for others who may too have hidden lumps, Hayley took to Facebook in a brave post.

“I’m hoping to share a little trick of mine with as many people as possible, which could potentially help save someone’s life,” she began.

“3 weeks ago, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I could only feel the lump whilst lying down and it completely disappeared standing up.

“Most websites tell you to check for lumps in the shower but if I had followed this advice, the lump may have grown too large to be treatable. Not even the surgeon could feel my lump when I was standing up.

“As I think about my long journey ahead and the chemotherapy I will undertake, I want to reach as many people with this message and help find more #LaidBackLumps.”

And she sure succeeded. Hayley’s harrowing tale has since been shared over 140,000 times, and has attracted a myriad of supportive messages from family, friends and kind strangers.

In Australia alone, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, with eight women losing their battle to the illness each day. It is the most common form of cancer among women.

What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer?

Besides a breast lump, which 83 per cent of diagnosed women bring to their doctors, women should also seek professional advice for:

  • Nipple abnormalities including redness, crusting or clear/bloody discharge

  • Breast pain or discomfort

  • Breast skin abnormalities

  • Breast ulcerations

  • Swelling or lump in the armpit

  • Back or muscular pain

  • Breathlessness

  • Changes to the contour or shape of the breast

Early detection is vital and can save lives. If you’re experiencing any of the above symptoms, wish to find out more, or want to book in for a check-up, visit your local GP today.

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