Home Health

Winter fat blaster

Burn that blubber away with ‘The Healthy Chef’, Teresa Cutter, author of 80/20 Diet: 12 Weeks To A Better Body.

Seven day fat-buster plan

Monday and Thursday


Banana porridge

Combine 1 mashed banana with 1 cup water, ½ cup soy milk, ¾ cup rolled oats, 1 tablespoon linseeds and 1 tablespoon wheat germ. Cook over a low heat for about 2-3 minutes until soft and creamy.

Morning snack

1 apple.


Greek salad with tuna

Combine 100g tuna in spring water with 2 Lebanese cucumbers, 2 tomatoes, 30g low-fat fetta, 4 olives, 1 teaspoon oregano and 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar.

Top tip: vegetarians can use a small can of cannellini beans in place of the tuna.

Afternoon snack

1 handful raw almonds, cashews, walnuts or pumpkin seeds.


Poached salmon with steamed carrot and broccoli

Poach 180g salmon fillet in fish stock or water for about 12 minutes. Serve with lots of steamed broccoli and carrot. Drizzle a little light soy sauce and sesame oil over before eating.

Top tip: vegetarians can use steamed silken tofu in place of the poached salmon.


1 cup chopped rockmelon, if desired.

Tuesday and Friday


Scrambled eggs on toast

Combine 1 whole egg with 5 eggwhites and 1 tablespoon chopped chives or sage. Pour into a medium-hot non-stick pan sprayed with a little olive oil. Stir until eggs are cooked but still creamy. Remove from heat and fold in 1 tablespoon low-fat ricotta or cottage cheese. Pile over 1 slice of wholegrain sourdough.

Morning snack

1 pear.


Vegetable minestrone

Combine 1 diced onion, 2 cloves chopped garlic, 3 stalks chopped celery, 2 diced large carrots, 1 seeded and diced red capsicum, 1 seeded and diced yellow capsicum, 400g can crushed tomato, 2 x 400g cans beans (drained), ½ cup green peas and 3 cups vegetable stock. Cook for 15 minutes until vegetables are tender. Fold ¼ cup chopped parsley through just before serving. Store for 3 days in fridge or freeze in individual containers. Serves 3-4.

Afternoon snack

1 piece of fresh fruit or 1 tub low-fat yoghurt.


Stir-fried chicken with snow peas and mushrooms

Stir-fry 1 sliced organic chicken breast in non-stick pan or wok until cooked through and browned, occasionally adding a touch of water while cooking to prevent sticking. Add 1 clove crushed garlic, 1 teaspoon chopped ginger, 1 handful snow peas, 1 handful sliced mushrooms, 2 tablespoons mirin and 1 tablespoon light soy sauce. Toss to warm through and lightly cook the vegetables.

Top tip: vegetarians can use firm tofu in place of the chicken.


1 cup chopped pineapple, if desired.

Wednesday and Saturday


Teresa’s organic brown rice porridge

Place 1 cup warm, cooked brown rice in a saucepan or microwave. Add ½ cup soy milk, 1 grated apple, 2 tablespoons LSA (ground linseed, sunflower seeds and almonds), ¼ teaspoon cinnamon and a sprinkle of sultanas. Just heat and enjoy. You can also top this with a sliced banana.

Top tip: keep a large bowl of cooked brown rice in the fridge to make this porridge for breakfast or a delicious lunchtime salad.

Morning snack

1 apple.


Chicken Caesar salad

Arrange 1 baby cos lettuce into a serving dish or lunch box. Top with 1 skinless cooked chicken breast (can be store-bought if you like), 3 sliced semi-dried tomatoes (wipe off any excess oil), green onions (shallots) and 2 chopped boiled eggwhites (with yolks removed). Top with 1 tablespoon grated parmesan and green onion. Serve with a little store-bought low-fat Caesar dressing.

Top tip: vegetarians can use sliced marinated tofu in place of the chicken.

Afternoon snack

Low-fat hot chocolate drink.


Vegetable curry

Combine 1 diced onion, ¼ cup red curry paste, 1 litre vegetable stock and ¼ cup light coconut milk. Add 1 chopped eggplant, 4 sliced zucchini, 300g chopped pumpkin and 400g can of chickpeas (drained). Cover and simmer for about 15 minutes until vegies are tender. Add 1 cup broken-up bok choy and cook for a further 3 minutes. Serve in bowls, garnished with a little coriander. Serves 3-4. Mix can keep for about 3 days in the fridge.


2 sliced kiwifruit or one orange, if desired.



Strawberry power smoothie

Combine ½ cup apple juice with ½ cup Jalna strawberry yoghurt, 1 punnet strawberries, 2 tablespoons Aussie Bodies strawberry or vanilla protein powder and 1 tablespoon ground linseeds. Blend with a little ice until smooth and creamy, and serve. Serves 1-2.

Top tip: vegans can replace the yoghurt with silken tofu, and the protein powder with a good-tasting, low-fat soy-based protein powder.

Morning snack

1 pear.


Wholemeal turkey pizza

Place a wholemeal pita bread onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Spread with 1 tablespoon tomato sauce/paste, 100g sliced turkey breast, ½ seeded and sliced red capsicum, 1 chopped tomato and a handful of sliced mushrooms. Sprinkle over 20g low-fat shredded cheese and a light sprinkle of oregano. Bake in a hot oven (200°C) for 10 minutes until hot and golden. Remove from the oven and eat.

Top tip: for a gluten-free version, just use a soft corn tortilla base and make sure all ingredients used are gluten-free. Vegetarians can use beans or tofu in place of the turkey.

Afternoon snack

1 apple.


Lean beef and vegetable bolognaise

Combine 1 diced onion with 2 cloves chopped garlic, 500g lean beef or veal steak (mince it yourself in a food processor), 1 large carrot (grated) and 1 stalk chopped celery. Cook for 5 minutes until golden. Add 2 tablespoons tomato paste, 2 cups chicken stock, 800g chopped canned tomatoes. Cover and cook for 30 minutes until the sauce is rich and thick. Serve over freshly steamed broccoli and carrot. You can also add 1 tablespoon grated parmesan if you like.

Top tip: the sauce is enough for 4 people, so it can be stored in the fridge for 4 days or frozen in portions and used as required.


1 cup chopped pawpaw/papaya, if desired.

And on Saturday…

Follow the menu above, but don’t forget this is also a day to relax and have a little fun … so give yourself a treat like a Freddo or a Mint Pattie.

All information and recipes come from Teresa Cutter’s latest book, 80/20 Diet: 12 Weeks To A Better Body (Murdoch Books, rrp $29.95) For further information, visit www.teresacutter.com


Top 10 ways to lost fat

Teresa Cutter talks — are you listening?

  1. Think before you eat!

  2. Reduce your intake of refined carbs like alcohol, sugar, white bread, white flour, biscuits, doughnuts, lollies, cakes and chips.

  3. Always, always eat a good breakfast!

  4. Limit your intake of high-fat and processed foods.

  5. Eat vegetables and salads with your lunch and evening meals.

  6. Eat regular amounts of good-quality lean protein, to repair muscle tissue and maintain every cell in your body.

  7. Drink plenty of water every day.

  8. Don’t overeat late at night before going to bed.

  9. Increase your metabolic rate by eating regular, healthy small meals, and by doing regular exercise.

  10. Stay positive and set realistic goals.

Winter exercise tips

Teresa has more great ideas for shifting that extra padding.

Just because it’s cold outside, it’s no excuse to hide under the covers and abandon your exercise routine. Here are some great tips to help you stay motivated and burn fat this winter.

Join your local gym

Winter is the best time of year to get into the gym and burn kilojoules. Your instructor will set up a program suitable for your fitness level and goals. Weight training combined with cardio is one of the best ways to shape and sculpt your body, as well as burn body fat. Many gyms also have cardio options like spin classes or cardio boxing. So, get into it — it’s great fun!

Go swimming


Or at least do some deep-water running in your local indoor pool. Swimming and deep-water running are easy on the joints and great for toning muscles. Another great leg-and-butt toner is to grab a kickboard and kick up and down the pool. Your legs will burn, but the results will be sensational!

Start martial arts

If you want a total body workout, join your local martial arts club. The instructors will show you the moves and correct technique, but be sure to work out at your own pace. Kickboxing is another option. It burns fat like crazy, plus you’ll have the added benefit of feeling empowered in your other day-to-day activities.

Buy or hire a treadmill or stationary bike

If it’s too cold outside, indoor exercise equipment is the best option. Make sure you invest in a good-quality piece of equipment that will last and is durable. It’s better to pay extra for quality.

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