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Will avoiding carbs after 5pm will help me lose weight?

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Will avoiding carbs after 5pm will help me lose weight?


There is nothing magical about not eating carbs after 5pm – this is an arbitrary cut-off point. A search of the National Library of Medicine Medline database of more than 4800 scientific journals failed to find a single study that lends support to the theory that carbs need to be cut after 5pm in order to lose weight. There are also no health authorities that endorse this type of approach.

Does a carb curfew work for weight loss? For those who tend to eat large meals at night, this is an easy calorie cutting strategy, without having to count calories. The strategy works, simply because it helps you eat less. However if you are trying to lose weight, you could also cut down on the overall amount of food you usually eat at your evening meal (including meat, cheese, creamy sauces, desserts) rather than just focusing on the carbs. Increasing the amount of vegetables on your plate in relation to all other foods can also help.

People who should definitely not practice a carb curfew include diabetics who are taking insulin or other blood glucose lowering medication. Such people could develop a hypo – where their blood sugar level drops too low – resulting in a coma, if not treated.

This information is provided by The Sanitarium Nutrition Service

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