Home Health

Why kids need independence

A study from the University of Montreal, published in the Journal of Personality, gives weight to the growing body of evidence suggesting parents do their children a disservice by monitoring their leisure activities too closely — or ‘helicoptering’, as this style of over-zealous parenting has become known as.

The study examined the behaviour of both children and adults who were skilled in either music or athletics. The researchers found that although moderate parental support for a child’s interest was desirable, if the parent was unduly controlling, this encouragement could cause the child to develop an obsessive win-at-all-costs’ approach to the pastime, one where achievement is more important than enjoyment.

On the other hand, children and teenagers who were given autonomy in choosing which sports, music and activities they wished to pursue were more likely to enjoy them for their own sake and to continue to practise and develop these skills as adults because they were genuinely passionate about them.

Your say: What do you think of these findings? Do you think parents push their children too much these days? Share with us below…

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