Home Health

Weight loss for coeliacs

Judy Davie

By Judy Davie

**”I have coeliac disease, and also cannot tolerate dairy and eggs. I want to lose a few kilos before my wedding in three weeks. Can you suggest a simple eating plan for me? I am trying to cut down on the carbs, as all the gluten-free products are high in carbs. I am finding it hard to find things for breakfast. Thank you.”

— Felicity**

Dear Felicity

Given that you only have three weeks before the wedding my first suggestion is that you increase the amount of exercise you are currently doing. It will get the oxygen flowing throughout your system, improve blood flow to your organs, stimulate metabolism, improve digestion and give you that extra glow that all brides want. Of course it will also help with weight loss.

Regarding carbohydrates: consider the type of carbohydrates you are eating. Carbohydrates are a good source of energy, fibre, B vitamins, and they help reduce stress and maintain concentration. For weight loss, and with three weeks before the big day, you can reduce your carbohydrate intake. Cut out gluten-free cakes, biscuits, bread, rice, pasta and potatoes, and substitute them with gluten-free muesli, beans and pulses, sweet potato and corn.

For breakfast try one of the excellent gluten free mueslis by Freedom Foods. They make low-GI wheat and gluten free muesli with psyllium. The psyllium-enriched muesli is a particularly great fibre boost and (forgive me for sounding uncouth here) will help shift bulk waste from your body after all the nutrients from the food have been absorbed.

You may be able to tolerate sheep or goat’s yoghurt in place of cow’s dairy which will help provide the daily calcium you need. Served with fresh fruit it makes a nutritious and filling breakfast.

At lunch make up a salad with some protein (red salmon is a great choice for Omega 3 and calcium). Your carbohydrate choice could be green beans, kidney, cannelini or chickpeas. Pack your plate with salad (and a little avocado) and dress with lemon juice and seasoning.

Mid-afternoon snacks could include a few raw nuts (maximum 10), berries or an apple, some celery and carrot sticks and a tablespoon of eggplant dip.

Throughout the day drink digestive teas such as peppermint, chamomile, ginger and fennel.

Finish the day’s meals with a portion of fish or lean meat (150g) with steamed greens and make sure you leave about three hours after eating before going to bed.

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