Home Health

Weekly meal planner: low GI

The following diet plan is based on an average energy consumption of approximately 6300KJ or 1500calories a day. It incorporates five serves of veggies, two serves of fruit and the occasional treat and is low in GI carbohydrates and saturated fat and high in fibre. Better still, you get to eat on this diet.

It will help you achieve a slow, steady sustainable weight loss while improving bowel function.

Feel how much more energy you have. Watch how your skin improves. Observe your nails becoming stronger and your hair starting to shine. You should even notice how much easier it is to concentrate.

And most importantly, you’ll feel better about yourself and others around you.

Weights and measures are specified but should be used as a guide. Follow them particularly when they refer to carbohydrates, fats and treats.

A speedy metabolism requires exercise and regular food consumption, so people only needing to lose a small amount of weight will have to increase the volume and intensity of physical activity and cut out those little extras listed in the plan — ie. chocolate, cappuccinos and spicy fruit biscuits.

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