Woman’s Day Australia does not endorse diet pills from Garcinia Cambogia HCAMAX. Here’s how to avoid the diet pill scam.
It has come to our attention that some websites are unlawfully using the Woman’s Day Australia logo to endorse the dietary supplement known as Garcinia Cambogia HCAMAX. You may have seen such posts appear in your Facebook newsfeed with special offers for Australian customers.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: This is a diet pill scam. Woman’s Day Australia does NOT endorse these supplements or diet pills in any way and has NO affiliation with the company selling them.
These companies are using the Woman’s Day Australia logo without permission and we are perusing our legal rights regarding this misleading and false website and Facebook information.
In the meantime, we recommend that our readers do not purchase products from these companies, as there are multiple reports which suggest they are scamming customers.
Woman’s Day Australia highly values our brand and we are taking this situation seriously.
The fraudulent link you should be aware of includes:
SPECIAL REPORT: Controversial ‘Skinny Pill’ Hits The Aussie Market
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