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A university has developed an anti-bloat probiotic beer

Beer belly, be gone!

A beer now exists that will improve your gut health, dreams really can come true.


One of the biggest reasons people are reluctant to drink beer is because of the effects it has on your stomach and/or because of the dreaded beer belly . Now, a beer a day could actually help keep the bloat at bay, thanks to some genius students at National University of Singapore (NUS).

This new probiotic beer has been created to include a strain of probiotic called Lactobacillus paracasei L26, which was first isolated from human intestines and will offset toxins and viruses, as well as improving your the immune system.

A spokesperson from the university has said that while good bacteria are often present in fermented food, there is currently no beer on the market which contains probiotics, which to be honest seems like a massive oversight.

After all, how often are beer and belly said in the same mouthful?


Chan Mei Zhi Alcine from NUS explained, “Developing sufficient counts of live probiotics in beer is a challenging feat as beers contain hop acids that prevent the growth and survival of probiotics.”

“For this beer, we used a lactic acid bacterium as a probiotic micro-organism. It will utilise sugars present in the wort to produce sour-tasting lactic acid, resulting in a beer with sharp and tart flavours. The final product, which takes around a month to brew, has an alcohol content of about 3.5 per cent” Alcine concluded.

The team behind this miracle beverage has a patent to preserve the recipe.

Is beer good for your brain?

A study from Iceland found that moderate beer consumption may fend of Alzheimer’s disease.


Researchers looked at autopsy data from males who were 35 to 70 years old at the time of death. Consumption of alcohol, Aβ aggregation in the brain, and apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype were assessed. Surviving relatives then answered a questionnaire about their drinking habits.

The results showed that beer consumption could protect against Aβ aggregation in the brain, one of the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. The amount of alcohol consumed was not linked with Aβ aggregation, and neither was spirit or wine consumption.

5 ways to treat an unhealthy gut

1. Seek foods to aid in digestion

To help prevent and eliminate undigested meals that ferment in the gut, it’s important to add certain foods to your diet to allow food digestion to break down properly. Hydrochloric acid (HCI) is a digestive enzyme that aids digestion and is found in bitter greens such as chicory and rocket.


Eating these greens prior to having a protein main meal encourages production of HCI. Lemon juice also helps break down food in the stomach. Drink to a cup of hot lemon water or just suck on a small wedge of lemon after meals to help food break down.

2. Probiotics

Add natural probiotics to your diet such as Goats Kafir, Coconut Kafir for vegans or 20 mills of cabbage juice (from sauerkraut) first thing in the morning, 20 minutes before breakfast. This will build the good bacteria in your gut!

3. Colon Hydrotherapy


Though there is controversy around this topic, I speak from my own experiences. Being a clinician of colon hydrotherapy for over 20 years, I have treated thousands of patients with gut issues and have witnessed how this alternative therapy eliminates waste build up from the bowel wall, removes inflammation and hydrates the colon quickly and effectively. What we see come out of the system is astounding, the proof is in the pudding, so to speak…

4. Exercise

Moving the body’s lymphatic system is ideal for getting rid of toxins through the breath and sweat. I suggest either a 2 hour walk, a 30-minute run, fast yoga movement or Pilates. The idea is to work up a good sweat 3 times a week. There are lymph’s circulating the entire gut, stimulating a circulatory response to movement. However, the diet needs to be adjusted first before exercise can have a positive response to eliminating toxins.

5. Water intake


Drinking 3 litres of water a day slowly is the key for proper hydration of each cell in the body. If water is drunk quickly, urination becomes frequent so water is unable to move through and hydrate the bowel or eliminate fat out of the cells. Studies show that every day we lose water in the following ways:

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