Home Health

Three ways to get instant calm

Taking a brief time out, even during the most frantic day works wonders, calming your thoughts so you feel more grounded and capable.

Taking a brief time out, even during the most frantic day works wonders, calming your thoughts so you feel more grounded and capable. Try one of these easy meditations the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed. Remember, your mind is like a puppy – it can be trained! None of these techniques require special equipment, money, or even a lot of time; they are all easy habits to learn. It’s important to practise consistently – you’ll receive the greatest benefits if you meditate daily. 1. Three deep breaths Inhale through your nose, and then out through your nose. Inhale again, a little deeper this time – then exhale. The third time, inhale even more slowly and deeply, focusing on the way your lungs feel as they fill with air – then exhale. If you begin to think of other things, bring your attention back to your breath. Repeat this technique at the beginning of every hour or use memory joggers – like going to the toilet or stopping at a red light – to remind you to breathe consciously. 2. Walk away If you’re feeling agitated, nothing beats a 15-minute walking meditation – go round the block, take the dog to the park, or just walk up and down the corridor at work. Begin by walking at a brisk pace; after five minutes, slow your speed by half, then after a further five minutes, slow to a steady, purposeful walk. Think of your feet and your steps all the time, bringing your attention back to your deliberate movements if your thoughts wander. 3. Create a tranquil moment This technique is ideal for women who ‘think too much’ or have an overactive brain and a too-vivid imagination. The idea is to train your brain to visualise peaceful, restorative images and thoughts, rather than the usual helter-skelter of fragrances, sounds, lists and physical sensations that beset you. First sit quietly, close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Recall a special moment when you felt absolutely at peace, e.g. listening to a brilliant piece of music, climbing up to a lookout. Use all your senses to visualise that moment and hold it in your mind, lovingly noticing every detail. Keep coming back to the image if your mind wanders. After a minute or two, let it fade until the next time you need it.

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