Home Health

The upside to expensive fuel

Diet Club

I’m now back in size 10 pants, feeling trim, taut and terrific. Yep, pants that used to fit me 14 years ago are my favourite item to wear. And I thank the rising cost of fuel for this body change. The affordability of driving the car short distances is a thing of the past.

We walk everywhere; to kindergarten, school and the local supermarket for smaller items. We leave car at home unless the distance is way out of our league and what we have to carry is too cumbersome. Furthermore, if I have to drive to the city I park the car in a side street and make trips back with my purchases — up hill, down dale and beyond.

I’m eating more than I’ve ever eaten but drinking copious amounts of iced (has to be icy cold) water. I still have a beer or red wine at night with some sort of protein (definitely not soy-based products — yuck) and at least five to six vegetables. I make sweets (desserts) very occasionally but don’t keep any commercially-made ones in the house except for what the kids buy as a treat at the local store.

With all this extra motion, the kids are happier, healthier and fight less, plus they go to bed earlier each night (mega bonus). If I feel like some comfort food, I do something for myself other than eat and then decide whether I still want it. And guess what? I usually don’t. Yippee — slim, slender me!

Melinda Rau-Wig

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