Home Health

The *Skinny Bitch Diet* review

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This diet book written by Rory Freedman, a former agent for Ford Models and a self taught know-it-all together with Kim Barnouin a former model who holds a Masters of science degree in Holistic Nutrition is referred to by the authors as a ‘no nonsense, tough–love guide for savvy girls who want to stop eating crap and start looking fabulous.’

This ‘tough talking’ book was destined to be another one which bites the dust until that one photograph of celebrity, Victoria Beckham with a copy of Skinny Bitch in her hand skyrocketed the book overnight to the top of the best seller list in New York, UK and now Australia.

The authors claim that this book is not a diet book but a way of life..a way to enjoy food..a way to feel healthy , clean, energized and pure and of course this empowerment will help you become a ‘skinny bitch’. The diet is a Vegan diet…completely shunning the ‘dead, rotting, decomposing flesh diet of dead cows, dead pigs, dead chicken’, fish, and other animal products including dairy. In fact these ‘smart mouthed girlfriends’ believe that the ‘goodness of dairy’ is all a beat up by the dairy industry which is so powerful that it has convinced health professional as well as the Government as to it’s value they believe that eating dairy foods will make you ‘sick and cause disease.’ Sugar is the ‘devil and artificial sweeteners just as bad’. No alcohol, and no caffeine.

So what do you eat if you want to be a ‘skinny bitch’?

Well you live on fruits and vegetables organic of course, wholegrains and nuts as well as lentils and legumes, all organic. And to give you some variety there’s 11 pages or so of commercial products listed such as fake salami, turkey, burgers, veggie dogs, unchicken, unsteak and so on. Don’t get too excited because I doubt that you will find many if any in your average Aussie supermarket.

What’s good and bad about it?

The one thing that I like about this diet is that it is high in dietary fibre and is rich in the powerful antioxidants coming from the vast array of plant foods. There is even a whole chapter that is dedicated to ‘pooping’, a subject very rarely discussed. These model girls like ‘complex carbohydrates and shun the low carb phenomenon including the Atkins diet. They frown upon high fat ‘junk’ food and soft drinks which is in line with mainstream beliefs.

What I don’t like is the rest. The rationale for their advice is often not based on sound scientific principles in particular references to meat and dairy. It is presented in a very sensationalistic way especially the section that describes a trip to a slaughterhouse. Much of the information presented does not appear from reliable sources.

The actual menu plans in the main are not well balanced nutritionally and it will be difficult for some groups to meet their requirements for calcium, iron, zinc and virtually impossible to meet Vitamin B12 levels unless using supplementation. There does not appear to be any advice regarding the reduced bioavailabilty of certain nutrients from plant sources and how to overcome that. For example iron absorption form legumes can be enhanced when consumed with a food rich in Vitamin C.

There is also no guidance on the right quantities of foods to be consumed. This in itself may be why people lose weight, in that t the foods that have been recommended are generally low in fat, low in kilojoules and high in fibre so in effect have a low energy density and are filling.

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