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The reason why we’ll cave to food comas all Christmas long

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just because we stuff ourselves senseless…
Woman in food coma with popcorn

Last year, extensive research confirmed what we have long believed: that after eating a big, almost colossal meal, we fall into a food coma (meaning, sleeping post-food-binge is down to how much we eat).

However, as eLife stresses, it might not be about how much you eat, but what you eat that sends you to Cloud 9…

Measuring sleep and food intake of individual flies, experts discovered that meals containing salt-rich and protein-loaded foods caused these flies to feel drowsy, whereas sugary foods did not.

While more research into this area needs to be conducted, authors of the study are still questioning why the body needs to sleep at all after eating (especially considering that, in the wild, sleep actually can increase an animal’s vulnerability, so rest is only taken if the benefit is bigger than the risk).

Although, what they are suggesting is that, potentially, sleep may aid digestion, particularly the breakdown of predominantly salt- or protein-based meals.

How to beat a food coma

As reported by Women’s Health, senior clinical dietitian Jaclyn London suggests eating foods to counteract the coma. This includes veggies, hummus and a boiled egg, or almond with chopped pear.

Not only that, but experts say that by resisting the urge to sleep after eating, and attempting to stay mobile, will instigate better blood sugar control.

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