Home Health

The real reason we’re fat

Mealtimes should be a perfect time for contemplation and relaxation. Unfortunately, we often gobble down our food in cars, in front of the TV and on the go- rarely stopping to truly taste and appreciate it.

When we eat like this, the experience doesn’t register in our brains, says dietician Evelyn Tribole, and the result is that we don’t feel satisfied and so we go back for more.

Eating-on-the-go carries more risks than just weight gain: stress can change the way your body metabolises food, causing sudden jumps in cholesterol and blood sugar. Tribole’s recommendations to help you slow down and make your meal a more satisfying experience include:

1. Turn off the TV, radio and phone.

2. Observe your food for a few minutes before eating it. Note and enjoy its shape and colour.

3. With each mouthful, appreciate the flavour and texture. Notice the way your jaw and the muscles in your face move as you chew. And chew each bite thoroughly.

4. Don’t rush. A truly relaxing meal should take at least 20 minutes.

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