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The entertainer’s meal plan

The weather is warming up, the days are getting longer — it’s time to clean down the barbecue, refill the gas bottle and dust off the stubby holders. It’s also a great time of year to invite friends and family over and share a few laughs together.

But for those with weight to lose, there’s a risk of slipping on a few extra kilos by eating and drinking more than usual. It’s easy to get into the bad habit of snacking on chips and dips before the main meal is served or drinking a couple more glasses of wine than you might otherwise.

This meal plan takes into account the season and our need to gather with friends and family.

You can entertain and lose weight!

The meal plan below is calculated on an energy consumption of between 6500 and 7500 kilojoules a day.

If you want to drink during the week, you will have to factor in some exercise to negate the energy consumed through alcohol.

The following is a guide to the exercise you’d need to do to be able to drink and lose weight too.

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