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The Cameron Diaz ‘nothing white’ meal plan

Cameron Diaz says the secret to her perfectly flat abs and insanely beautiful body is to eat ‘nothing white’. And there’s certainly a lot of truth in the belief that doughy food can make you… doughy.

This meal plan based on Cameron’s philosophy loads up on brown carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch and lightens the load at dinner to aid complete digestion, a good night’s sleep and weight loss.

‘Nothing white’ includes white sugar, white rice, potatoes, white flour and anything made from white flour, such as bread, cakes, pastry, pasta and noodles.

Follow the plan for a month, combine it with regular exercise and you can expect to see steady weight loss of around 2-3kg.

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

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