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The Block’s Bec hits back over breastfeeding

The reality star has penned a touching rebuttal to a woman who judged her for breastfeeding in public.
Bec, George and Archie

Bec Douros, who rose to fame during the 2013 series of The Block Sky High alongside her husband George, was travelling with her seven-month-old son Archie when the incident occurred.

According to the interior designer, the woman next in the seat next to her berated her for feeding her bub.

“A big F#@% you to the lady sitting next to me who rolled her eyes at me and said I should have done that BEFORE I got on the flight,” the mother-of-one penned alongside a photo of Archie’s hand resting on the plane window.

“A massive thank you to the other lady who kindly swapped her window seat so I could finish feeding Archie,” Bec continued, before revealing it was their first flight without George.

Proving that karma can work instantly, Bec concluded: “I should have told that old bag she left her reading glasses on her seat, but I thought to myself she really should have put them away BEFORE she rushed ahead of everyone to get off the flight #gladthatisover #goodluckfinishingyourbooktonight #normalisebreastfeeding.”

Bec’s post has since gone viral with many people supporting her sentiment.

“Well done Bec! Traveling with a little one alone is hard enough let alone having to deal with everyone’s opinions too,” one user agreed.

“Humans eat when hungry. They don’t force themselves to eat when they’re not wanting food. Babies are no different you can’t force then to feed,” another added.

Relive Bec and George’s emotional return to The Block in the player below. Post continues after the video..

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Last year, Bec and George introduced their bundle of joy to Woman’s Day and revealed they’d never been happier.

“There are no words to describe the feelings you have when you see your child for the first time,” Bec explained.

“You can’t help but instantly fall in love. He’s just perfect,” George added.

Earlier this week, Bec took to social media to celebrate her little man’s seven months.

“My baby is 7months old today. I could not have asked for a more beautiful soul to enter our lives. He laughs and smiles all day long. Archie you make us just as happy as we seem to make you,” the smitten mum shared.

Bec’s post about the incident has since gone viral.

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