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Team sports – get fit and make friends

By Annette Campbell

So you’ve decided it’s time to get into shape?

You really want to enjoy all the benefits of exercise, but joining a gym’s too expensive, buying exercise equipment to use at home is even pricier, and the thought of walking, jogging, swimming or cycling on your own is just way too lonely.

Well, what about a team sport?

Every weekend there are hundreds of thousands of Aussie women and men getting out there and playing for their team.

Netball is by far our favourite sport, but others like soccer, hockey and water polo are also enormously popular too.

Kerry Turner, Manager of Community Sport and Recreation at NSW Sport and Recreation (and a former member of the Australian Water Polo team), says there are loads of reasons why a team sport could be perfect for you.

“The most special thing about being in a team is the social side — the friendships you’ll make,” she says. “And your family will know that you’re committed to that one training session a week, and the game on the weekend. That’s when you’re going to walk out the door and have some time for yourself.

“And there are lots of benefits for a busy person — mainly that once you sign up, you’ve already made a stronger commitment than deciding to do something individually.

“You’ll feel you’ll be letting the team down if you don’t turn up. And you’re committed to the team for the season.”

Kerry adds that we’re more likely to stick with regular exercise if it’s fun.

“In a team, you can get fit — and have a chat. And the sense of achievement is different than with individual pursuits, because you’re sharing it among the group,” she says.

“You’ll learn more about respect for each other and that transcends into the workplace. You’re helping each other out — and that has benefits in other areas of your life as well.”

And if you’re watching your budget, the best thing about team sport is that it’s a really inexpensive way to get fit.

“It’s really good value, when you think about how many ‘sessions’ you get,” Kerry explains. “You might play up to 20 games in the season, plus one night a week of training … so that’s 40 workouts; and if your team registration is about $100, which most are, that’s less than $3 a workout.”

  • More than one in four Australians are involved in a team sport.

  • There are more netball players in Australia than rugby league, rugby union and Aussie rules players combined.

  • A total of 419,600 Australians aged over 15 rank outdoor soccer as their favourite physical activity. And more than 100,000 of them are female!

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