Home Health

Surprising things that cause headaches

Headaches are nasty little things that can interrupt your day at any given time. But did you know that it’s not just your gender and genetics that can cause them? There are some things that we do that give us the head hurt. Avoid these and you might find yourself a little less prone to use the old “I’ve got a headache” line.

An increase in the temperature might make you smile but it can also be the cause of your headache. Changes in barometric pressure can also cause a headache as can a change in altitude.

Have you ever walked through the fragrance section of a department store and made it out the other side only to be left with a throbbing reminder of the overpowering smell? You’re not alone. Overpowering smells, even nice ones, can overstimulate your nervous system and the result is a headache.

Your hair might be making a fabulous fashion statement but the pulling and the strain your headband, braid or hat is putting on your head can cause a headache.

Like other organs in the body, the brain gets dehydrated and one of the main side effects of a water-free day can be a headache. Keep a water bottle on your desk and drink at least two litres a day.

Caffeine on its own is not necessarily a bad thing. But too much of this stimulating substance can cause you a headache. On the other hand for those of us that can’t get past nine o’clock without a hit from the barista, skipping your daily caffeine fix to start a detox could cause you a withdrawal headache.

It’s not just those who work vigorously outdoors that get headaches from work. Sitting down in front of a computer all day can strain your neck and head muscles. And this can be magnified if you slouch. Try and check your posture at least every half hour and get up and have a bit of a stretch every hour.

An ingredient in red wine, tyramine, is the culprit of those nasty red wine headaches. Alcohol increases blood flow to the brain and can make the headache more intense.

A dip in blood sugar levels can be the cause of a headache. This can happen when you have skipped a mean and you could get a headache even before you realise you are hungry.

Cigarette smoke can cause you a nasty headache, even if you’re not a smoker. Second-hand smoke contains nicotine, which causes the blood vessels of the brain to shrink and presenting you with pain often on one side of the brain.

Like any exercise, sex can lead to an exertion headache. The headache is caused as the blood vessels in the brain expand, building up pressure.

Yes, your boss really can give you a headache! Anything that increases the stress levels of the body can lead to tension headaches. Tension headaches are one of the most common forms of headache with recent international studies suggesting 42 percent of women suffering.

Many people find that there are certain foods that will trigger a headache. Chocolate and peanuts are common sources of pain. Processed meats can also be a trigger for a headache as they contain nitrates. Related: the top five diet mistakes

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