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Super celebrity slim-downs

Kelly Osbourne has had a long battle with her weight. But she managed to go from this in 2007…

…to this! At the end of 2009 Kelly slimmed down thanks to a stint on the American Dancing with the Stars. She also said her successful weight loss was due to nibbling on half an apple before bed.

Drew Carey went from this…

…to this! He has lost just over 36 kilos in seven months. “I like being skinny. I was sick of being fat on the camera,” he told People magazine. “I just got sick of it.”

In 2005 Kate Winslet looked like this. Now…

…she looks like this! The beauty showed off her stunning figure at the premiere of The Unusuals in New York. Despite her slim down Kate says she will always love her backside! “I’ve decided I am going to start loving my backside because I don’t know anyone who does that. And for my daughter, I want to be able to say to her, “I love this”,” she told the UK’s Daily Mail.

Lily Allen slimmed down from a size 12…

…to a size eight, which she put down to eating organic food, going to the gym and simply being happy!

Actor John Goodman went from this to…

…to this! He has lost just over 45 kilos thanks to a new healthy lifestyle encourgaed by his life coach. “I know it sounds sappy, but it was a waste,” he told People magazine. “It takes a lot of creative energy to sit on your ass and figure out what you’re going to eat next … I wanted to live life better.”

Jennifer Lopez has slimmed down from this…

…to this! She says the secret to maintaining her weight is a healthy diet and regular gym sessions.

Star Jones has always battled with her weight and says at her heaviest she tried to disgise her weight by increasing the size of her personality. She went from this to…

…to this! Her super slim down took her from weighing 130 kilograms at one stage to a new slim physique.

Catherine went from this…

…to this! Her slim down was thanks to her highly demaning physical role in the broadway musical A Little Night Music.

Jennifer Hudson went from this…

…to this! The singer dropped 5 dress sizes during her slim down and went from a size 16 to a size 6.

Ricki Lake went from this…

…to this! The television host has had one of the most dramatic transformations in Hollywood loosing 63.5 kilos.

Hilary Duff slimmed down after feeling pressured to lose weight. She went from this…

…to this skinny frame. She says she maintains her weight loss by eating a healthy diet.

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