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Struggling to conceive? It could be your liver

Struggling to conceive? Your liver could be to blame

If you’re thinking about having a baby, it’s not just your reproductive health and your partner’s sperm quality you have to take into account — it’s the state of your liver too.

According to a study from the University of Milan, published in Cell Metabolism, oestrogen receptors in your liver are crucial for maintaining fertility.

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The study demonstrated that the ability of these receptors to perform was dependent on the presence of dietary amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.

Animal test subjects that were put on a restricted diet were found to have inadequate blood levels of the hormone IGF-1, which is needed for the growth of uterine lining and normal reproductive cycles.

When they were given more protein, their cycles normalised; dietary fat and carbohydrates, by way of comparison, did not seem to affect the liver’s oestrogen receptors or fertility.

While there is a considerable body of science linking the impact that individual dietary nutrients have on fertility — in particular, folic acid, vitamin E, and zinc — this is the first to show how a diet that is deficient in protein can also lead to problems when trying to conceive.

Related: Solving your infertility problems

Study leader Professor Adriana Maggi added that the findings may explain why anorexics are often infertile.

Keep your liver healthy by cutting back on saturated fat and avoiding alcohol, especially if planning a pregnancy.

Video: How to beat infertility

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