Home Health

Stay safe

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If that little voice inside you tells you that something or someone spells danger, take action immediately.

To stay in control and safe wherever you are, remember:

Don’t put your keys in plant pots or mailboxes.They are the first places that a burglar will look. Never put your name and address on keys.

Don’t open the door without seeing who it is.Always ask for identification from service people, even if you are expecting them.

Never give address or credit card details to telephone ‘market research’ companies.Don’t answer survey questions that ask how many people live in your house, how much they earn, or what they do for a living.

Be alert when out.Get into the habit of noticing your surroundings – who is in front of you, and behind you? If you think you are being followed, walk immediately towards an area with other people and good lighting. If you’re driving, don’t go home; go to a police station or a well-lit garage instead.

Carry a whistle in your bag and walk with confidence .When caught and interrogated, thieves and pickpockets invariably speak of picking a mark that “looks like a victim”.

Hold your bag close to your body, preferably with the strap across your chest.Handle your money and credit cards carefully. Don’t display them unnecessarily when purchasing things.

Don’t sit near doors or exits on buses, trams or trains.Statistics show that you are more vulnerable to being attacked or pulled off in those spots.

When getting into a lift, always check who else is in there.Stand near the controls; if you are attacked, hit the alarm.

Drive safely.Check the back seats and floor of your car before getting in. Lock doors and put the windows up. Never put your handbag on the passenger seat; it may tempt a thief to smash the window and grab it. Put it on the floor instead. If another motorist tries to force you off the road, or gestures that there’s something wrong with your car, don’t pull over. Note the number plate, drive to any open business and report the incident.

Don’t carry large shopping bags unless you are going straight to your car.Heavy loads slow you down and make you clumsy – a perfect target.

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