Home Health

Start as you mean to go on

Every day presents a new opportunity to feel good about yourself – and how you actually get up and out of bed can profoundly affect the rest of the day.

When you wake up, don’t leap out of bed. Lie still, and spend a little time gradually becoming aware of how you feel Stretch, and slowly flex your arms and push your feet down to the bottom of the bed. Remind yourself of what it means to become and stay truly ‘awake’ to your life and experiences. Visualise yourself as bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, ready to go – and lucky to be alive.

Take three breaths, clear yourself of stale air and shake off the residue of yesterday. Say out loud: “I’m putting aside any negativity I feel”, swing your legs over the side of the bed, and then stand up. Feel your feet connecting with the strong, quiet power of the earth beneath you. Lift your arms, take a deep breath, and imagine sunlight streaming in through the top of your head, filling you with hope and joy. Drop your arms and clasp your hands and say a simple affirmation out loud, such as: “Today I will try to bring truth and kindness to others, and to do the best I can.”

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