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Spice whirl

Spice whirl

Spices are some of the healthiest ingredients in Mother Nature’s pharmacy and offer a multitude of benefits, including easing joint pain, improving circulation and – according to Ayurvedic medicine – stoking your agni, or inner fire, therefore making you feel more energetic. Here are five of our favourite healing spices (including one we bet you’ve never heard of) – and how to get more goodness out of them.

  • 1 Feel the warm For centuries, ginger has been used as a digestive tonic and a wealth of research supports its claim to fame as a safe and effective treatment for nausea, including that caused by motion sickness, morning sickness and the side effects of chemotherapy. Two ingredients in ginger are thought responsible for its effects: gingerol, which slows the action of a nerve receptor in the body that triggers the vomiting reflex, and shogaol, which helps neutralise stomach acid. Ginger stimulates circulation, counteracts congestion, relieves abdominal cramping and indigestion and has mild blood-thinning qualities, thereby helping to reduce blood-platelet stickiness. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties also make it useful for treating osteoarthritis.

  • 2 Colour yourself happy Turmeric is the spice that gives curry powder its deep yellow colour. Studies show that it has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, due to its high content of compounds called curcuminoids. These curcuminoids have an inhibitory effect on the enzymes that trigger the development of cancer cells and they may slow or even prevent tumours from forming by interfering with their ability to create the new blood cells that they need to feed the tumour growth. Curcuminoids also reduce cholesterol, may improve certain eye conditions and have an overall anti-inflammatory effect, so playing a possible role in slowing or preventing Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • 3 Try something different Ever heard of annatto? These dark red spicily-scented seeds are widely used in Latin American and Afro-Caribbean cuisine, and also have a long history of medicinal use in both cultures. Traditional African healers seem to have used it for everything from jaundice to headaches – even as an aphrodisiac! While these rather exotic claims have not been supported by modern research, what we do know for sure is that annatto contains carotenoids which have substantial antioxidant and possibly anti-cancer properties; it’s also a natural stimulant and diuretic, so it may be of assistance during a detox or weight-loss program. According to the science of Ayurveda (India’s ancient healing system), annatto, with its mildly bitter taste, makes food more easily digested and creates energy.

  • 4 Buy the best Many spices have already circled the globe to get to a store shelf near you, so buy from a specialty spice shop or food market with a high turnover to ensure freshness. For maximum flavour, aroma and health benefits, buy smaller amounts of spices more often and, where possible, buy them in their whole form, e.g. cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, peppercorns, and grind them yourself. Tip: Buy a mortar and pestle to grind your spices; easier and quicker still, use a small coffee grinder, but make sure it’s only used for this purpose – you don’t want curry-flavoured coffee.

  • 5 Store smarter Keep your spices in airtight containers, otherwise their volatile compounds will dissipate into the air. Make sure you store them in a cool, dark and dry place as heat, light and moisture will all have a negative effect on flavour and aroma. (However, don’t hide them in a too-dark corner of the pantry – if you don’t see them, you’re less likely to use them) Be conscious of how long spices last: in a whole form, you’ll get around 12 months out of them; if they’re pre-ground or powdered, it will be less, around 6-9 months, particularly if you’re opening the jar often.YOUR SAY: How do you incorporate spices into your lifestyle? What are your favourites and why? Tell us below…

YOUR SAY: How do you incorporate spices into your lifestyle? What are your favourites and why? Tell us below…

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