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Spa scene and detox regimes: What will your body experience?


Where’s the one place celebrities go to de-stress, detox, lose those excess kilos and hone their fitness before their next big movie role? All around the globe they’re hooked on the sensational benefits of the spa scene, where they check out from their hectic lives and check in for a regular dose of rejuvenation.

What’s on the menu

Spa cuisine is about great tasting, healthy and holistic meals that give you energy and nutrients for a busy life. Places like the Golden Door retreats in Australia base meals on a high intake of plant foods with plenty of brightly coloured fruits and vegetables, along with a diverse range of wholegrains, including buckwheat and quinoa. A variety of protein sources are offered — pulses at least two serves a week, fish two to three serves a week, and nuts and seeds daily. Essential fatty acids come from nuts, seeds and oily fish, plus a variety of cold pressed oils (like flaxseed, olive and grapeseed) in cooking. There’s also an emphasis on natural ingredients (around 30 percent organic produce), five-star presentation, scheduled meal and snack times, and portion control. Herbal teas and water are the staple drinks, with fruit and vegetable smoothies, juices and mocktails offered one to two times a day.

What’s off the menu

With detox and cleansing being the top priority of most of the guests, you won’t find any caffeine, alcohol, highly refined products or those high in additives and preservatives. High sugar (cakes, biscuits, soft drinks and cordials) and high salt products don’t make it past the welcome mat and a healthy dessert is typically offered only once a week.

Caffeine withdrawal

It’s a good idea to slowly wean yourself off caffeine the week before you get set to spa. Side effects of caffeine withdrawal include restlessness, muscle twitching, heart palpitations, gastro upsets and, most commonly, headaches. Favouring green tea over herbal infusions for the first few days of the eating plan will help minimise withdrawal symptoms as green tea does contain some caffeine. Make sure you also include daily relaxation activities, like yoga or meditation, to help calm your mind and soothe any headaches.

Lightness of body, mind and spirit

The typical spa diet may be big on taste and colour, but it’s certainly not big on kilojoules. The emphasis on fat-free, high-fibre plant foods and physical activities helps you tip the energy balance equation in favour of slow, gradual weight loss. Plus the high fibre plan helps cleanse your digestive system and leave you feeling lighter and brighter. The benefits of a spa retreat lasts a long time after guests have checked out and headed back to the bright lights and big city. Most people find that it’s a great way to kick start their healthy lifestyle goals and find the motivation to continue on the road to fitness long after they’ve headed home.

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