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Smart weight loss essentials

Whether you want to lose a little or a lot of weight, there are three things that can guarantee your long-term success: a healthy relationship with food, an active lifestyle and a balanced approach to living.
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So why is it that so many people look for quick fix results and jump on every new dieting bandwagon that comes along, only to regain the weight later? Because we are human!

Most of us know what we need to do to manage our weight in theory, but we struggle to translate that knowledge into daily practice and motivation. We know the three essentials, but perhaps we’ve failed to learn the three golden rules to success:

  • Be realistic Set realistic goals and don’t fall victim to the ‘magic wand syndrome’ – trying every pill, potion, lotion and dietary fad that promises rapid weight loss. To lose weight successfully, it’s important to lose weight safely and slowly – around 0.5 to 1kg per week, or if you are over 100kg, not more than 1 percent of your body weight per week.

  • Accept a bumpy ride Weight loss is far from a perfect downward slide. It can be a hard road, and there are bumps along the way. Perhaps you can attribute some of these to that holiday break or the festive season. But at other times your weight may plateau or level out for no explained reason. Accept that this is part of the weight loss process. It certainly does not equal failure and before you know it, you’ll be back on the right track again. Remember that it probably took years to gain your weight, so have patience with the journey to the slimmer you.

  • Get support While healthy eating and physical activity sound so sensible and straight forward, many people find that support is vital to adopting a healthy lifestyle. And that means support on all levels – not only with eating and exercising, but also with the psychological and emotional aspects of healthy weight loss. Many people find that this comprehensive support is only available from a health professional or a structured evidence-based weight loss program.

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