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Slow but sure

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Slow but sure

I am a 20-year-old athlete. I had a terrible injury that had me off training for about 12 months. At the start I was really careful with my food choices — obviously I couldn’t eat as much as I did when I was exercising all the time. However, I got into some really bad habits (mainly over-eating through boredom) and managed to gain about nine kilos over a period of five months!

One week I’d try and lose weight by going on the “soup diet’, but then the next week I’d feel really deprived and binge-eat. This went on for seven months! My self-esteem was out the window, and I felt awful looking into the mirror. I couldn’t keep doing this to myself.

I was allowed to start going to the gym again in July 2005 — my injury was getting slightly better — but it wasn’t until one morning (Sep 16, 2005) that I woke up, and realised I couldn’t lose two or three kilos in one week, and that I had to start eating extremely healthy, small meals, and exercise six days a week if I was going to lose the weight.

So, that’s what I did! I ate a lot of fruit, yoghurt and vegetables, and just cut down my portion sizes. I still had meat and fish, but hardly ever had pasta or bread. I exercised as much as I could, and by late November I’d lost the nine kilos! I was back to 63 kilos. I’d been weighing myself once a week, and most of the time I’d lose about one kilogram per week. It was amazing getting back into all my sexy clothes!

I have since kept my weight between 60 and 62 kilos. I love my body and I feel so great!

So remember, there is no miracle diet — if there was we’d all know about it by now. One kilo at a time, that’s the way to go. For every kilogram I lost I’d buy myself a present at the mall as a reward — shoes, handbags, cute mugs — anything you like! I had a list: “When I’m 68 kilos I can buy that nice bag I saw.” It works!

And to help your cravings for certain bad foods, or if you have trouble with over-eating, buy the book French Women Don’t Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano, it helped me a lot.

— Lara

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