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Slimming in the social season

November’s here, spring has sprung and for many the party invitations are rolling in. But that’s not so exciting when you still have a few kilos to lose. The good news is, you can lose weight and party too — with a little planning and a little discipline.

Following this meal plan you can enjoy a few drinks throughout the week without blowing the diet (you will have to exercise as well though). About 10% of our kilojoule intake is usually in the form of alcohol, so there’s no point in wasting extra kilojoules on junk food. These recommended meals maximize your nutrient intake to compensate for any nutrient loss as a result of late nights and alcohol.

It’s OK to swap whole days around too if your social life gets in the way of sticking to the plan.

Day one | Day two | Day three | Day four | Day five | Day six | Day seven

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