Home Health

Six ways to feel better … this minute!


Got a minute? The new year is a time for fresh ideas. We’ve timed these six tips so you can see how fast and easy it is to make your life a little healthier and happier every day.

One second

Put the lid down when you flush the toilet. Otherwise you can accidentally inhale a fine spray of dirty water as you stand there, pressing the button.

Five seconds

Take fish oil. It’s loaded with omega-3’s — the healthiest of all dietary fats. It eases joint pain, boosts heart health, improves mood, and even helps prevent wrinkles. Take gelcaps if you find the liquid hard to swallow.

10 seconds

Halve the salt. Canned vegetables are a cheap and handy kitchen staple, but they can contain unnecessary salt. A quick rinsing under the kitchen tap will cut the amount of salt by up to 40 percent, without compromising flavour.

30 seconds

Notice your knees. If you lock your knees while standing, your weight is unevenly distributed, and you may feel more tired. The solution: be aware of how you stand. Unlock knees. Keep toes pointed forward. Stand evenly balanced between ball and heel, with weight toward the outsides of the feet.

45 seconds

Add raw garlic. Aim to eat a clove of raw garlic every day. It may sound daunting, but it’s easy. Try putting it in a salad dressing or into a dip for vegetables or pita bread. In the raw, garlic is astonishingly good for you, more so than when it’s cooked, as heat destroys some of its beneficial properties.

60 seconds

Remember you’re terrific on days you forget. Most people are acutely aware of their shortcomings — make this the year you remember how wonderful you are instead. Brainstorm 25 positive words that describe you best: loyal, tolerant, friendly, generous, determined. Of course you are, and more. Stick them on your noticeboard or fridge so you see them often.

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