Home Health

Shed those Christmas kilos!

Christmas pudding

What’s the number one new year’s resolution? You guessed it — to lose weight. Human beings were originally designed to walk about 40km a day, but nowadays we do much less and eat much more ice-cream than our ancestors ever did — which is probably why we put on weight, especially after the traditional Christmas blow-out. These natural remedies can help you trim the seasonal fat.

  1. Amino acids, B vitamins

Glutamine, tyrosine, and carnitine are claimed to reduce appetite and burn fat. Low vitamin B levels are linked to increased depression, which makes you more likely to binge on high-carbohydrate foods, like biscuits. Look for combination formulas in health food stores.

  1. Green tea

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that a substance in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate increases your metabolism, or the rate your body burns kilojoules. Drink one to three cups of green tea daily.

  1. Spirulina, kelp and seaweed

These all contain iodine, which helps boost a slow or sluggish metabolic rate and stimulates digestion. Take supplements according to label instructions.

  1. Licorice and chamomile

Satisfy sugar cravings with licorice root tea. If you’re eating because you’re agitated, a cup of chamomile can soothe your nerves and possibly deflect your desire to eat.

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