Home Health

Shake your morning fog

Not a morning person? These 10 ideas from Pamela Allardice will have you out of bed pronto and feeling perkier once you’re up.

1 First things first. You’ll feel awful in the morning if you don’t get enough sleep. Going to bed five minutes earlier each night for two weeks will increase your shut-eye time by an hour.

2 Wind down after dinner. Meditate, listen to relaxing music, take a bath, drink chamomile tea. If you feel unsettled, fill a hot water bottle and put it on your tummy. Avoid sleep saboteurs, like chocolate, action movies, bill-paying and arguments.

3 Dim the lights. This stimulates the release of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Put a night-light in your bathroom – switching on a bright light at night makes it difficult to get back to sleep.

4 Wake with awareness. Don’t jump out of bed. Spend a minute becoming aware of how you feel. Then stand up slowly, clasp your hands and say a simple affirmation, such as “Today I will try to do the best I can.”

5 See the light. Stepping outside in the early light raises your body temperature and cues your brain to stop producing melatonin. If you can’t get out, bring the light and fresh air in. Open a window to let in the sounds and smells of a new day. If you get up while it’s dark, try an alarm clock that gradually gets brighter.

6 Unkink your spine. Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees bent, hands on hips. Take a deep breath, arch your back, tilt your chin up and take your elbows back. Now exhale, reversing the movement, bringing your elbows forward, dropping your head and curving your spine into a ‘C’ shape. Repeat 5 times.

7 Practise power breathing. Lying still causes carbon dioxide to build up in your blood, making you feel sleepy. ‘Bellows breathing’ – where the length of the inhalation equals that of the exhalation – increases circulation and sends freshly oxygenated blood to the brain. Begin with 5 slow breaths, then build up to a faster pace. Repeat 5 times.

8 Sip citrus. Starting the day with a glass of warm water and the juice of a lemon triggers peristalsis, the contractions that move food through your digestive tract, telling your body it’s time to get a move on. Plus, the zingy scent boosts your mood.

9 Treat yourself. Always have the ingredients you need for your favourite breakfast, even if it’s just fresh fruit and yoghurt for a quick smoothie. If you start the day eating something you like, your whole day is filtered through a contented mood.

10 Have something to get out of bed for. Planning a morning activity that makes you happy sets you up for a great day. Meet a friend for a walk or breakfast, play with your pet, cuddle your kids, spend a minute contemplating your garden, or listen to a talking book by your favourite author before work.

Your say: Do you have any great tips for getting up in the morning? Tell us below…

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