Home Health

Seeing the real you!

Be happy without being perfect

A recent report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics is highlighting a new trend in overweight and obesity — many people who are overweight do not perceive themselves that way.

It may be that we are so used to seeing larger people, especially on reality TV shows, that carrying a few extra kilos doesn’t seem that bad. So here are some top tips that may help you see the real you.

Remember the power of 10

With all the focus on obesity, perhaps we have forgotten that being a little overweight still raises your health risk. Even carrying 10 percent extra weight, say being 70.4 kg instead of 64kg, is enough to raise your risk of lifestyle diseases like heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. So look up the healthy body weight charts or calculate your BMI and see where you fall. Remember the healthy weight range is just that, the healthiest place to be.

Wedding woes

If you think that you’re not doing too badly compared to those around you, stop comparing with others and start looking back at the younger you. Do you still have the suit or dress you wore to your wedding? Can you fit into it? If not, is it just a little snug or more shocking, sizes too small? Better still, pull out the old photo albums or videos and go back 3-5 years. Ask yourself if the person looking back at you is the same one you see today. Do they look leaner? Did they have more energy and get up and go?

History of habits

Once you have identified that things really have changed, look back in your diaries, calendars or files. Also search your memory banks to get a picture of how active you were 5-10 years ago. Have you gone from a regular football player to an avid TV viewer? What happened to those active weekend bushwalks or family bike rides? When did you let your gym membership lapse? When did the diving and fishing holidays stop? Identifying the changes in your lifestyle that may have caused the kilo creep is a very positive first step towards regaining the old you.

How do you perceive your weight? Too fat, too thin? Tell us your thoughts on body image by using the review section below.

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